Hypnotherapy Hereford

Breathwork, Hypnotherapy & Relaxation

About Me

With over 37 years in health care, I bring a wealth of mental health experience to bring balance back to your mind and mental well-being.

I am experienced in dealing with the complexities that life brings often put our minds and bodies out of kilter.

As a solution-focused hypnotherapist in Hereford, a certified breathe instructor and an experienced practising advanced nurse practitioner I aim to enable people to make positive changes to their lives.

Why choose me for your hypnotherapy journey?

I take my practice seriously and will only offer services that are safe and proven to help you. I have studied alongside my clinical and hypnotherapy career and have achieved a Master of Science, a Bachelor of Science, a Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma and a Solution Focused Hypnotherapy Diploma to ensure the best care for you.

How I Can Help You

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy (and breathwork) can help you

  • Sleep better

  • Manage phobias and fears

  • Manage Stress, Anxiety and Depression

  • Reduce the amount of alcohol that you drink

  • Manage exam and driving test nervousness

  • To improve your sports performance

  • Confidence in public speaking and teaching

  • Improve eating disorders

  • Weight loss

  • Boost motivation

  • Stop smoking

  • Nail biting and other unwanted habits


Discover my range of hypnotherapy services in Hereford


Wellness & Retreats

“My experience with Karina was so positive and I feel like I’ve moved on thanks to you….I can really get on with life.”

— Karina JB Client

Get started with Hypnotherapy in Hereford, today.